Monday 17 July 2017

5 Significant Aspects of a Resume, follow us at

A resume is a summary of your work experience, education, credentials, skills and accomplishments. It may include a career statement or an objective which will introduce you to the employer. It is the most common document that is requested from applicants when they are applying for a job. It should be concise in character yet informative in manner.

When you are writing your resume, there are numerous formats in which you can choose from. The resume may chronological, functional, targeted or combination formats.  Regardless of the format used, you need to follow certain guidelines which will make your resume professional. To make your resume stand out, we have listed below the aspects that need to be included such as length, font and page margins.

1.      Resume Length
Make sure that your resume is precise and concise. It should be not more than 2 to 3 pages. If you can compress your significant detail in 1 page then it would be preferable.

2.      Font and Size
The font that you use in your resume should be readable such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri or similar fonts. Do not use ornate fonts which will increase the length of your CV and may prove to be difficult to read.

Your font size should be between 10 to 12 points and not more than that. The heading and name section can be a little larger or bold in format.

3.      Page Margins
The standard page margin for a Word document is 1" on top, bottom, left and right side of the page which works for most of the resumes. But if you need to tighten the margins to decrease the length of your resume then it is okay to reduce the margin to 1/2" on all sides.
4.      Page Layout
Keep each section uniform when you are organizing the information in your resume. As an example, if you put your current position in bold then your previous or additional positions should also be in bold.

5.      Accuracy
Be straight to the point when you are writing your resume.  Do not give too much information that is irrelevant to your professional work. Personal information such as birthday, weight, height, children, marital statues does not need to be included unless if it’s required by the job.

Before sending your resume, make sure that you have re-read your resume and edited particular sections that require changes. You need to check for the grammar, spelling, tenses, people, name of companies and other prominent factors. guarantees that we will produce unique, original, authentic and plagiarism-free Resume for you. Our content specialist will create innovative solutions for you and ensure that your resume stands out from the rest! So don’t wait and contact us for more details.

To more about our Resume Writing Service, please visit! You can call us on 043554850, 0569173311 or leave an enquiry on

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